Monday, September 29, 2008

September 28... Balls!!!! *gigglegiggle*

It's hard not to whip out some vulgar jokes when you're Exercising on a Medicine Ball. Tonight, I did Core Secret's Give Me 20 video, using Melissa's shoes for weights. It was a ball of a good time!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 27... White Pine Lake

As the title suggests, you can guess what adventure awaits you in this blog entry.

Spencer and I hiked White Pine Lake.(Here is the log to prove it!)
And what a beautiful hike it was. Not too much elevation gain, nice weather, and beautiful trees. There was a grove of yellow trees we walked through that were simply breathtaking.

Oh, and when we reached the lake, there was yet another surprise... I witnessed a Helicopter scooping up water from the Lake in a bucket.

It was crazy! I was trying to take a video, but they didn't come back by the time I decided to get footage. But it still made for some pretty rad pictures.

Friday, September 26, 2008

September 26... Don't Worry, Bout a Thing...

Sometimes, a picture speaks a thousand words.


September 25... Highlights

Tonight was a very lucky experience- one in which I, along with my fellow piano nerd friends, got to eat dinner at the Hubbard's. You may ask yourself why this means anything exciting. Well, Mr. Hubbard took from Professor Amano years ago, and went on to travel while doing Piano Performance. He moved to Logan later, settled down, and now takes his prodigy children to USU to be taught piano from Prof. Amano as well. Every year, he has an annual get-together dinner at his lovely home for the piano majors, and we have the opportunity to play on his Steinway. And man alive, his house is amazing. On the top of the mountain outlooking the valley, two beautiful Steinways, soft carpet and couches, and luxurious rooms. I was in awe. We got to eat catered food (the dessert was creme brulle, if that tells you anything) and it was cool to listen to the people I rub shoulders with, playing Scriabin and Liszt and Chopin, and making it look like child's play. I also should count playing on that Steinway, but I didn't actually play a peice... But I did play a C Major chord... :)

Then after this (I know, it gets better) I joined my friend Pete for a crazy longboard adventure. That's right, folks, I LONGBOARDED. Halfway down the church parking lot. (I got scared to go any faster...) See, here's a picture to prove it!

Other new things include: Driving through campus (meaning on the sidewalks), driving in neutral down 1000 north, finding the USU ampitheater, and the secret USU weed-smoking hideout.

I returned home, only to find Jess sprawled out on the floor, a blacklight on the couch, electronic music in the background, and Melissa/Amanda scribbling all over his back with highlighters. Yes, it is a Highlighter Party I speak of. So I signed my name on the wall, signed my name on his back, and joined in on the fun. Highlighter parties are just too much fun to pass up. As was this night! A big thank you to all my supportive friends who give me good ideas and help me out with new things. You guys make it all possible! :) You know who you are.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

September 24... On a mission

Sometimes, I go to institute. And sometimes I don't. But today was just the day for self-improvement, so I went. On my way back, whilst ruminating on the gospel, I happened upon four missionaries on campus. They had taken over the usual Jehovah's Witnesses spot, and were preachin' the word like mad. So, in the spirit of improving my own missionary skills and sharing my joy with those I know who could use it, I acquired my own Book of Mormon to give away.

This is my friend Ray, whom I practiced the actual giving-away with. But realistically, I will hopefully keep this book handy until I think I'm ready to share it. That might be a while, but it's that first step that counts, right?

I don't know what is wrong with Ray in that second picture.

All of these pictures were too good to pass up.

September 23... I'm no chicken!

Okay, so we've been over this "Cortni has limited cooking abilities" thing a billion times. What you don't know already, is that sometimes this spurs creations such as today's dinner menu.

An omelet the size of your face.

Who knew that seven expired eggs, already moldy cheese, wrinkly peppers, and a dash of garlic could make such a scrumptious treat? Don't be alarmed, it tasted much better than it looks in the pictures. It looks undesirable, partly because it took me two spatulas to flip it, and also because Melissa forgot to spray Pam. But there was a pretty epic cloud of smoke coming from our apartment that attracted a few spectators....

Monday, September 22, 2008

September 22... Tooth and Nail

According to the test I took at, I can take 16 5-year-old kids in a fight.

Keep in mind that these are ruthless 5-year-olds, that will stop at nothing. to annihilate me.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

September 21... Close shave

Maybe a bit too close for comfort... I left my razor at home in the shower, so today's new thing was shaving my armpits with just the attatchable blade. It was quite painful.

September 20... Hodge Podge

I made my own cloud inside an empty bottle of Sidral Mundet.

I shot a "projectile" (bundle of duct-taped socks) out of a potato launcher. (Notice the hairspray on the ground that we used)
I squeezed into a trunk with Spencer.

I hiked donut falls in the rain.

I watched Donnie Darko.

...In that order. Weekends are always fun.

September 19... Take that, neigh-sayers!

I made a pony cake out of a pony pan.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 18... Milk does a body good...

Today's new thing was inspired from the LACK of milk.

Ok, actually, today's new thing was just a complete accident. Either way. I got home, disgruntled and disoriented from 7:30 class, and dug through the cupboard for breakfast. The next thing I remember was sitting on my bed, and eating cereal with water instead of milk. It wasn't too bad... just extra soggy. I could've fallen asleep in the cereal- milk or no milk.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 17... Don't Tell My X...

This was a thing that most people have probably already done, but quite the new thing for me. I took my first x-ray today! It was a "waters view of the sinuses, with a clear view of the petrus bones". Pretty easy, and the lady that helped me was super nice. I was just glad I wasn't there for a broken bone...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oh, and P.S.

Also a new thing that needs to be mentioned. You all remember my attempt at dying my hair black at the CDub in the summer? I did it for reals this time, with real Nice 'N' Easy blue-black hair dye. I dyed my hair in the sink of the FA building. Life doesn't get better than this.

September 16... Delicious Couch

Though change is necessary, sometimes it can be both unexpected and undesired. Such is the case with the Delicious Couch..... (19??-2008). *Nicknamed in Fall Semester 2007 becuase I was hungry enough to eat the stuffing inside*

This couch has served the hungry/tired/lonely (take that any way you want to) people of the FA building as long as anyone can remember. I myself have spent many a nap on those smooshy brown cushions, and spilled my share of food as well. (Don't worry... 5 second rule still applies) Just kidding!... Sorta.

You can imagine the shock and horror of the piano majors when we arrived this year to find not only the delicious couch, but every piece of furniture GONE. Gone, gone. I reiterate. Gone. We found ourselves in an awkward position... forced to deal with the hurried seperation and anxious await of new furniture. Today, that new furniture finally came.

But there was yet another surprise. Stephanie Engle had discovered in passing the orchestra loading dock, all of the old furniture that once graced these hallowed halls... ABOUT TO BE THROWN OUT!!!
So we stole the couch.

Dude. It was exhilirating. We picked it up, got spotted by an old man, and somehow still got away with it. We hid it behind the brick wall until we can find it a place in the UR building. I'm just excited that a piece of history could be preserved this day. Thank you delicious couch, for serving us so diligently all these years. It's the least we can do :)

Monday, September 15, 2008

September 15... But faaather!

"Help! I have the sqweenchies for you!"

....So reads the homemade paper airplane that I flew out of the window tonight. (Sorry for the darkness of the video!)It basically did two barrel rolls, hit the brick wall of my apartment, and crash landed next to a motorcycle. But sending a secret message out the window in a paper airplane is just too much fun.

I am reminded of this part from Monty Python. I guess next time I'll have to try sending a note with an arrow instead of a paper airplane!

September 14... En CHILL ada.

That's right, it's unbelievable. Cortni learned how to cook a meal all by herself. With, like, onions and stuff. Meal of the day: Chicken Enchiladas. And they're totally worth the hassle. Totally delicious. Look at me, Miss Betty Crocker.

September 13... Don't wear camo after labor day

Ever since I lost my camo hat this summer, I have been looking for another article of clothing to repair the damage. Today I took the first steps to recovery. I bought my first pair of camo shorts from the DI men's section. Though they look quite smashing on me, I lament the loss of the camo hat. RIP Hat. But seriously... my shorts are rad.

September 12... You scream, I scream...

We all eat ice cream....

In music theory class.

New thing in this: We learned about the Neopolitan chord. It's a Major chord based on the lowered second degree of the scale. Sooo interesting. And got to use ice cream as a visual aid. ...Or maybe less visual and more just plain delicious.

Friday, September 12, 2008

September 11... Venetian Gondolas

Contrary to popular belief, that title does have something to do with my new thing.

I played a Mendelssohn Song Without Words (Venetian Gondolas) in front of my Pedagogy class, and my professor. So, to shorten, you could say I had my first real master class. This is a mock lesson, where you basically get taught by another student/graduate... except the entire class is both watching and grading it. So I was graded on my actual performance and how I responded to what Rob was trying to teach me afterwords. It was pretty terrifying at first... my heart was pounding the entire class period. But as soon as I walked up and sat down at that piano, everything disappeared. I was able to get into the music, and feel and interpret it. It was a liberating feeling to be able to play a piece I'd had for a week, and play it well. It was also great to get some feedback, advice, and nice imagery from the lesson.

It was also nice to feel like I could somewhat put something out there- that even the graduate students could treat me as an equal. I got some wonderful compliments afterwords as well. This was one new thing that I gained a lot from... Maybe performing isn't as scary as I thought!!!VICTORY!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 10... Cantaloupe Island

If you don't know this song, you should. (It was my personal favorite on tonights program.) Today's new thing was seeing MB3 in concert- a jazz band whose album was #1 in the nation for over 3 weeks. For samples from the album and concert they gave, click here. Or just watch this crazy video of the finale (two percussionists dueling) The girl rocks... hard.

Some other less significant things: I tried a Marv n' Joe. It's a bread with cheese/tomatoes.

Also: a new hairstyle. Luckily, or unluckily, I'm not brave enough to take it seriously. You can tell me what you think :) P.S. Love the monkey robe. Embrace the monkey robe.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

September 9th... $1.50- for THAT???!!??

I finally gave in and did my first load of laundry in Logan. It was basically just to wash my tie dye, but it still counts. That's right... I used a coin-operated washing machine.

Monday, September 8, 2008

September 8... Bootylicious... I mean, this apple is delicious!

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, they say.

Unless you're a helpless apple being sought after by a starving piano major in search of some lunch! So was the apple's plight this afternoon. There is a killer tree located in the Fine Arts Building backyard... So with the help of some friends, I climbed the aforementioned branches and ate an apple straight from the tree.

I felt a bit like a monkey, but these apples were totally worth the adventure- small but juicy. I think the Fine Arts kind breed better apples... just sayin :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

September 8th... It's Maaaaiiiilllll!

Here's the mail, it never fails, it makes me wanna wag my tail.. when it comes I wanna wail...


New thing was attempted at 2300 hours...

Dropping a letter in the so-labeled "Letters" box in the apartment lobby.

...Sometimes new things just aren't that exciting.

September 6... Logan Has Its Perks

Today Spencer came up to Logan to visit!!!! I was so so so happy. Here is a picture of our happy faces.

My new thing of the day today was hiking in Logan Canyon for the first time!! We did one to The Wind Cave... it was so much fun. Delicious ham and pepperjack sandwiches, awesome cave niche cuddling, and awesome closeup cave bump pictures :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

September 6... High as the

I am convinced that there is no better way to communicate with someone far away. (Except maybe ESP??)

I used Skype for the first time. Skype allows you to see and talk to your long distance super-friend... completely free! (college people LIKE free.)

Check... One Two? I can poke myself in the eye no problem while skyping! Or clap my hands! A full comprehensive list of things I can do while skyping is on this website.

Also done that is new today: I bought my first Henle Urtext piano book. Not to say I don't love Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words, but 38.00?????????? Freak. Here's a picture to prove it.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

September 4... Wrapped up like a persian princess (title courtesy of Ray)

I learned how to correctly tie a scarf around my neck.

This is the end result- much better than the beginning. Am I not the most fashionable girl in all the land?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

September 3... Preach

I listened to the preacher that hangs out on campus.

We ALL know the type, the man in the big floppy hat, Bible in hand, with a poster stating, "How can a MAN be right with GOD?"

I decided to try being a bit more open-minded, so I gathered in the semi-circle to hear what all the hullabaloo was about. Unfortunately, I didn't get much out of it... I was straining to hear anything above the arguments of those around me. Something about the Trinity, maybe? My favorite part was when a flustered man drove by on his bike and yelled "DON'T GIVE HIM ANY ATTENTION!!!" It was pretty awesome.

My take is, let him preach if he wants. As for me, you probably won't see me hanging around these events very often.... there is too much contention for a conducive environment to learning ;)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

September 2... Teeterin Tots

Today I witnessed (meaning I signed a witness book) a world record in the making. The world's longest ever teeter totter ride... they are trying to go for 100 hours. And although I don't think it's possible (How the heck could you sleep on a teeter totter?!?), I salute them anyways. (There is also the problem topic: How do they take care of the bathroom situation?? Maybe I don't want to know?)
I also signed my name on the actual teeter totter.

Monday, September 1, 2008

September 1... Stranger Danger

I sent a text to a completely random number.
It went something like this:
"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not- Remember that what you have now was once among the things you only hoped for."
I hope it was a bit inspirational. It's certainly better than "Whaz up bro? ya dig? peace dawg" or some such nonsense. I've gotten stranger texts like that before.

August 31... Gross.

I am disgusted to write this post, but a new thing is a new thing.

I used my first freeze kit to freeze off a wart on my elbow.