I have few celebrities that I take interest in. I find them distant, and just not important enough to keep tabs on. However, there is one kindred spirit out there that I do love, and I read his blog completely yesterday. It is the great Jason Mraz.
Today's new thing was writing him a fan letter, and it was so much fun. I have been wanting to write one forever, but couldn't find someone I liked enough to write to. Then, when I was singing to Curbside Prophet in the line to get on the freeway, it hit me. I love Jason Mraz. I love the way he plays with words, the way he is so positive and spontaneous, and he is just dang sexy. I read his blog, and I feel like we share a lot of the same ideas, and he just inspires me. So, I sat down after work a wrote him a fan letter.
And this is me basking in the glory of it all.
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