Sunday, May 25, 2008

May 22... Wasabi

This Thursday was sushi day for Abbey and I at CDub Midvale. We were hungry and in need of some sushi goodness, so I sent her to pick up the goods. And it was delicious! She ordered some California Rolls, and also some Miso Soup. I had definitely never had Miso Soup before... it was pretty much just broth with some seaweed and tofu floating around. Haha! But it was pretty good. I also checked a new thing off the list as we ate... I was introduced by Abbey to MST3K. You may be wondering what that is? Well i will tell you.

Mystery Science Theater 3000.

It is about some people and robots, and they watch old movies and comment on them. It is so hilarious. If that doesn't catch your attention, go and youtube a MST3k... I highly recommend the one about Santa Claus Conquers The Martians (because I have seen the original movie and it is the bomb...) I know Lindsey was trying to tell me once how to put a youtube video on my page, but I can't remember, so here is the link. Maybe you could remind me girl? I need to become more blog literate. Anyways. Watch this video.

Also done today: I watched Cailie's orchestra for the first time. As part of her Miss Lehi pageant last year, she had to do a platform. Part of her platform consisted of creating an orchestra for kids in her area. And now, a year later, it has grown from 5 kids to over 30! It was so cute to see them, they played some cute numbers and did a pretty decent job. Jim is the orchestra conductor, so I got to meet him for the first time. We'll call it... interesting.

Afterwards, we ate at Cailie's house, and I had spaghetti with shrimp for the first time. That was also pretty delicious! And I got to work out with her and her mom, and see all her pageant stuff. It was a pretty sweet awesome day!