Tuesday, June 24, 2008

June 24... And the 10K continues...

...and thanks to today's new thing, so does my awesome fashion wardrobe. As many of you might recall, I have never been one for, well.... exercising. I have always been out of shape and lazy. I hated running. I hated sweating. All that changed this summer when I registered for my first 10k. It has been going well thus far- I've lost 20 pounds and run an average of an hour a day if I can. However, I have been running out in my tie-dye shirt and cheetah girls headband, with old basketball shorts to complete the outfit. Today I went over to Target to buy my first real sportswear. Can you believe it? 19 years later, and I finally own my OWN sports bra. It's a miracle. And of course, you know I bought a lot of it in green! Green is the best color ever. I will be lookin so good for my 10k! The only thing I have left to find is a pedometer... anyone know where I can find a cheap one?


Anonymous said...

I got one in a cereal box once. A pedometer, not a workout outfit. I would check out Big 5 or Sports Authority. I like to run too, usually in the opposite direction of my kids. j/k I just like to run when I can, but I too hate the heat so I don't do it too much during the summer.
When do you run it? Do even have an idea of how long a 10K is? It's long, my dear. But I know you can do it! Way to go, Cort! Woo-who!