Sunday, August 31, 2008
August 30... Sweet Treat
(Sidenote: we also took a taste of it straight from the bottle- wouldn't recommend it. Tastes like cough syrup gone terribly terribly wrong!)
Posted by Cortni at 2:39 PM 0 comments
August 29... When in Rome...
Oh, how I wish I was in Rome. Alas, I am not. But you don't need Rome to find new things!
Walking around Campus this year has really opened my eyes to new things that I have always wanted to do- things that I believe make me a true Utah State Student. One of these things I have longed to do (but never had the time) is Eat In The Courtyard of the Taggart Student Center.
This is a rad place- underneath beautiful tress, scattered with wire tables and chairs. I always see students lounging in them, sipping their coffee, doing their homework, or eating their lunches and looking so wise. So, on my way out the door, I beckoned some of my friends to come sit with me for a spell.
It was a delicious treat- so post-modern of me. I ate my healthy chicken salad wrap, set my homework down in front of me, and just enjoyed the atmosphere. And, to get the full experience (and to sound a bit more sophisticated) I brought up a few typical college conversation topics with my fellow friends... like politics, classes, the meaning of the universe, etc etc etc. What a way to spend an afternoon.
Posted by Cortni at 2:25 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
August 28... I'm broken, and no it's not emo.
For the past little while, my ear has been sounding a lot like a broken speaker, which had me wincing in pain every time I was on the phone. Today I hoped to get some answers. I went to the Wellness Center on campus.
No worries, I don't have the black lung or anything to that extent. BUT- they did send me off with some perscriptions for antibiotic that will fight my sinus congestion and help drain the fluid out from behind my face. Apparently it's pretty hard core. I'm just glad the university offers things for free to desperately poor students such as myself. Well... nothing in life is free. But for blogging purposes, we'll pretend like the world rocks. Cause it kinda sorta does.
Posted by Cortni at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
August 26... Terrific Tuesday
To start things off: I have a grudge against the internet here. It won't allow me to upload pictures to the blog, but I will do my best to get around that if at all possible. Moving on.
I applied in Logan for a job. Not only that, but with a friend. Firehouse, and The Pizza Factory (not the real one... but still credible... enough).
I also ate homemade Tornelini that Melissa made. It was as good, if not better than a restraunt. I would never lie about these things.
Posted by Cortni at 8:04 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
August 25... Kickin' A
In the spirit of a new year at USU (and the fact that I got lost while trying to find my poetry class) I took my first steps inside Old Main. This is THE Utah State building. This is the place everyone knows,the shining beacon of Logan... and I'd never even known where it was until today. It is a beautiful structure. As I took my first steps inside this hallowed place, I felt the pride of being admitted in college, and a new, refreshed outlook on classes. I am so excited to be back and doing what I love! Here's to an awesome semester!!!!
Posted by Cortni at 10:01 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 24, 2008
August 24... Lingerin Longer..?
I went to church today for the first time in a new ward. It was the 7th Ward, 5th Stake. It was pretty awesome... my roommates are all really nice and including... but the church part was a bit strange. After sacrament meeting, instead of going to Sunday School, we attended a 2-hour "Linger Longer" of sorts... in which we ate bread, took pictures, and visited with fellow members. It was odd.
Posted by Cortni at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
August 23... Fred is happy!!!!!!!!
I learned how to change spark plugs, coils, and fuel filters today.
And Fred runs like a champ. Maybe a little too good.
Posted by Cortni at 3:50 PM 0 comments
August 22... Honey Bucket?

I am a raptor, it fills me with rapture

Posted by Cortni at 3:37 PM 1 comments
August 21... Do Not Open Till 2013.
Posted by Cortni at 3:25 PM 1 comments
August 20... Just Like The Movies?
I know it's possible. I just can't do it quite yet. Drat!
(You'll have to turn your head left for the right angle.)
Posted by Cortni at 3:12 PM 0 comments
August 19... It Suits Me
Posted by Cortni at 2:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
August 18... MyTube
After much joking about how reading youtube comments actually makes a person's IQ lower, I got my own account. And made my first dull-witted comment. I'm pretty proud of myself. I hope to one day aspire to post my own video. Check out my comment here.
SHOUT OUT TO MY LOVELY SISTER KATE, ITS HER SIXTEENTH BIRTHDAY TODAY! My most faithful blog reader. Driving, Dating, Dancing, etc. She is gorgeous, you all wish you could be her. Don't you worry, these pictures were put
on strictly for the idea of embarassing her. I'm so proud of you, girl!!!!!
Posted by Cortni at 6:31 PM 1 comments
August 17... Happy Sunday!
I slept in until 4:00 today. That was a new thing.
Yeah... happy sunday.
Posted by Cortni at 5:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
August 16... Mixin' it up, keepin it real
I probably disrespected "The Rule" at Jamba Juice... by ordering yogurt instead of a smoothie. I think I'm probably the only teenager who has ever done this. It was Strawberry, with peanut butter and bananas and granola. Mmmmmmm.
Posted by Cortni at 4:18 PM 0 comments
August 15... Holiness to the D.I.
Two new things:
-I drank a FIJI water bottle for the first time. This is one new thing I have been obsessing over for years. Ever since I was a kid I have wanted to try one and see what the big deal was. Problem is that they were always way too expensive. That's why it pays to be friendly- Sarah, who works next door, gave me one for free today. And it was worth the wait. So fresh, so cold, so delicious... if water can, in fact, be delicious. I love it.
-I played on an organ at the D.I. Not only have I never played an organ before, but in the D.I.
We also saw THE radio from The Brave Little Toaster, I swear it!And although we couldn't find the rest of the characters, we did find a toaster that belonged to "Zach". And a shirt that reads "I Toadly Love Christmas". It doesn't get any better than that, my friends.
Posted by Cortni at 4:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
August 14... Funny Thing Is...
Because I have been tired and somewhat lazy, I have not been doing monumental new things. Not that it matters, a new thing is a new thing. And today's new thing was using a "Sipahh" straw in my glass of milk.
And also completely unrelated but new: I read an entire book in the library. Ok Ok... so it was Ellen Degeneres' book The Funny Thing Is... and everything in it was completely scrambled, but it was absolutely hilarious. I will let the description inside the cover explain:
Posted by Cortni at 6:00 PM 0 comments
August 13... Golden.
There they were, the most delicious fruit in the entire produce section. Raspberries- soft, tangy, and delicious. Our mouths watered as we picked up two packs and stowed them oh-so-carefully into our cart. Then, something golden yellow caught our eye. A lemon? No, surely not. A banana? Definitely too small. Our eyes strained closer, and we made the startling realization-
"Golden Raspberries"read the plastic container.
We gasped in delight. And ate every single one in less than a minute.

Posted by Cortni at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
August 12... Salad is what my food eats.
I took a sample of it today. It tasted like grass. And i still don't know why they put it on the plate. Oh, and Mike and I take awesome pictures.
Posted by Cortni at 3:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
August 11... I'm seein Stars
I love it when Mondays roll around, because Spencer and I have an implicit tradition of Monday Night Hang Outs. Today's adventure was aaawesome. We stopped at the local Villiage Inn (Minus the Pie Devil this time, thank goodness...) and picked up some Strawberry Rhubarb Pie. Gotta admit, I was afraid of anything that had a name like Rhubarb. But it was positively delicious. Probably a bit more on the sweet side, because of the strawberry. We had a good time chillin in a park finding ways to sabatoge the local party festivities around us. There is nothing better than some good pie.
After that, we drove up the canyon to witness the Perseid Meteor Shower. I have actually seen this last year, but I have never driven into the mountains to see it. It was worth the wait. Plus I made some more sweet wishes. (Hey, I need all the help I can get!) I probably shouldn't be allowed to drive today though, I'm a bit on the tired side... haha. You guys all have a great Tuesday! :)
Posted by Cortni at 8:34 AM 0 comments
August 10... Listen to Chariot of Fire play while reading this.
Today I caught my first glimpse of the 2008 Beijing Olympics by watchin some good ol' volleyball. Cuba vs. US. I LOVE VOLLEYBALL. And I heart the Olympics! Haha.
Posted by Cortni at 8:31 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 9, 2008
August 8... Recipie for fun...
Packing noodles and a mixture of flour&water.
Did you know packing noodles dissolve under water? I found this out today at work. We dissolved a whole pack in the sink, and watched as they became sticky and non-existant. Thank you for helping the world, packing noodle geniuses! I wish I had a picture.
And totally unrelated... I did a very awesome new thing tonight as well. I got elbow-deep in a sticky goo of flour/water to make my first ever PINATA!
It was rad. It looks a bit like an amoeba, but it's AAAAAWESOME.
Posted by Cortni at 11:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
August 7th... NovemberEchoWhiskey!
Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta...
These are the words we've grown up with but never had the time to learn. Today I learned them.
...and I did that all without looking!
Posted by Cortni at 10:37 AM 0 comments
August 6... Noodles anyone?
Today was the most tiring day of my life, and so I didn't have much creativity to think of something new. (Okay.. maybe not THE MOST tiring day... but it comes close...) However, I did try a new dish at Noodles & Company... Whole Wheat Linguine. And let me just tell you, it was deeelicious. I guess I could couple that with another new thing: I ate every single pepper and mushroom with the noodles. I never do that, I usually pick them out because I'm afraid of them. Yay for trying new things, because now I'm not so picky!
I know, I know... a boring day. But hey, c'est la vie.
Posted by Cortni at 10:34 AM 0 comments
August 5... Burned
Ever heard the phrase "Curiousity Killed the Cat"?
Don't you worry, I'm not THAT curious. However, it's true that I did burn a pack of Camel Cigarettes, with some help of course. I burned one for everything in my life that I wanted to change, and watched my bad habits fall in ashes to the ground. One for addiction, one for lies, one for a 9-5. And when we got tired of the smell of the smoke, we doused the rest of the pack in gasoline and made sure that it was completely annihilated. Here's to being nicotine-free, to being drug-free, to just being free of addiction in general!
Posted by Cortni at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
August 4th... Lake Catherine
Posted by Cortni at 10:48 PM 0 comments
August 3... Beautiful Bonfires
Posted by Cortni at 10:11 PM 0 comments