As many of you already know, I have a grandma from Thailand (In the picture, back middle, with the white visor). Ever since she became part of our family, I have wished for a way to better communicate, or bridge the language gap. With some coaching (and coaxing) from Pete, I took my first leap into the language barrier by
saying my first Thai phrase:"I'm leaving."
(It might be helpful to know... I was attempting to say Thank You.)
After staring for a second, Aree said, "Are you really leaving?" She must have seen the perplexed and confused look on my face, because she started laughing and explained that I used the wrong word. I looked over, embarassed, and noticed Pete laughing at me too. I think I'll stick to english for now....
Also, on a random tangent:

This is Kate and Brad's belly after a gigantic Thanksgiving meal. Hope it was delicious for you all!
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