I have been off having my adventures, as you could have guessed. Today's new thing was building my own campfire. (Ok... maybe with a little help from my friend Spencer.) But I helped with the kindling and the stacking of the wood! That's a big deal from a girl who doesn't camp very often. It was a spur of the moment thing, and we had a lot of fun. I also went into a forbidden abandoned mine for the first time (for the most part... I had to squeeze through a hole in the fence, and my pants got stuck... plus it was too scary to stick my head in), and drank mexican coke. It was deliciously fun! Oh, and I ate a smore with a reese's peanut butter cup. Words just simply can't describe.
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I just wish we could have stuff like spoons on roblox and we could make
furniture like tables and chairs or a cabinet an...
3 years ago
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