...They say you can learn a lot by walking a mile in someone else's shoes.

Today I
donated the very shoes off my feet for a great cause,
Aggies for Africa. (Mine are the blue flip flops in the bottom RH corner.)

Basically, you donate all your old shoes and walk around barefoot to support this program. I searched my shoes for something to donate, and made the realization that I had left all my old unused shoes at home. However, that didn't stop me. I waltzed right into the TSC, found the shoe donation box, and flipped each of my flip flops into it proudly. It felt SO GOOD to be spontaneous, SO GOOD to serve, and just SO GOOD to walk around all day without shoes. Before, my feet were squeaky clean....

And afterwords, my feet were caked with dirt. (Notice the odd black spot on my left foot. Gross...) I was glad to take the challenge and put myself in that position for a day, and to be able to walk in someone else's shoes (Or the lack thereof).
This is wonderful, Cortni. Good job, I wish I were in town and had a box to dump my shoes into also.
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