On my way to watch my sister dance for the NYCDA competition, Spencer and I entered into a whole different world... or so it seemed. This world was, in actuality, just the Salt Palace. This is a ginormous building located in downtown Salt Lake, and quite the adventure to nagavate through. It took us down a few flights of escalators, around corners, and through strange hallways to make it to our final destination. But we made it eventually, and my sister did fabulous.
Afterwords, on the TRAX ride home, we met two girls that had just came from the Anime Convention downtown. (I know, right??) After we had listened to them for a few minutes, they proceeded to offer us "Pocky"... an apparently famous snack in Japan. (And a few other places, I'm told) These little chocolate-covered breadsticks were quite tasty... and (as the box states) apparently referred to as the "Super Snack". Thank you Japan, for giving us Pocky, and gigantic-eyed cartoons with pokey hair!

my sister eats that stuff all the time. frankly i like the strawberry kind the best. :)
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