Today was a sad day. I drove up for Steve's dad's funeral, but I learned one new peice of information today. While lost in Salt Lake, searching frantically for the funeral home, I became distressed and went inside a local cafe to find the address. There, the man behind the counter told me a valuable trick I could use... text Google. That's right folks, we don't even need a computer anymore. Type in the name of the place with the zip code, and voila! the address will magically be texted to you. This also works with movie times... just type in the movie name with the zip, and it will give you exactly what you need. Who knew that google would somehow take over the texting industry? :)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Jan 28... Vendo-land..?
The Fine Arts Underground
Vendoland is a quaint little area with tables and chairs, a pungent smell, a ping pong table, and, of course, vending machines galore. Bradley and John took me to this lovely place to play some ping pong, where I learned a bit about backspins and other such things of importance. Though it was a semi-close game, Bradley beat me. But it was totally worth it to finally witness Vendo-land and the magical things that exist in this secret room. Yay Vendoland!!
Posted by Cortni at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Jan 27... Hard Cooore.
Not really. The only thing I did today was try crepes with bananas and peanut butter. Which was a delicious twist, if I do say so myself.
Posted by Cortni at 12:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Jan 26... I can see clearly now..
I can see all obstacles in my way... Well, in about a week, that is. Today I took the long journey to the University Provo Mall to find meself some sweet glasses. That's right-
After 8 years of contacts only, I am finally allowing myself to indulge in a pair of glasses.Plus these are super cool. They are plastic (one must be trendy when wearing glasses these days), and they are purple on the inside, with rhinestones on the side. Can you get any cooler than that?
Also done today: tried eggplant for the first time. This has always been a big joke in my family, and today I decided to give it a try. It wasn't that good. But it had to be done!
Posted by Cortni at 2:35 AM 0 comments
Jan 25... Hot hot hot
Posted by Cortni at 2:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Jan 24... More Cheese.
Posted by Cortni at 9:42 PM 0 comments
January 23... Wooden Shoes+Cheese=Awesome.
Today was a day chock full of vitamins, minerals, and tons of awesome "firsts". I went to the Fine Arts Museum located conveniently next to me. Me, B-Rad, and Landon all toured the art/music level. We saw tons of good art and spent a good time discussing feelings, thoughts, and impressions. We also heard some cool musical compositions... one which included 90+ wooden shoes suspended from cables. For a quarter, you could watch as they clicked their own musical composition! It was one of the coolest things I've seen.
! I tasted turkey through this little window, it was awesome and very formal :) The best part was my Aggie Bull Tracks ice cream, this stuff really is the best, and also a first of mine!I was part of my first expiriment
Posted by Cortni at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Jan 22... On a day Below Zero...
- Attended a lecture about a 20th century composer Olivier Messiaen. This dude wrote a 2 hour piano peice with 20 movements dedicated to God... It's called Vingt Regards Sur L'Enfant Jesus and it's AMAZING. I love it regardless of the dissonance and repetitiveness, because it is very well put together and composed, with themes for each symbol. What an amazing piece to begin my adventure into contemporary piano literature.
- I dressed up in a burgalar mask and crazy clothes in front of people. I looked ridiculous.
- Me and my lovely roomies decided to try out one of those first aid blankets that they put in those emergency kits.. so fun! This thing folds out to be huge, but really thin. Yet it keeps you ridiculously warm! We looked so silly parading down the stairs to try it in this terrible cold weather, but it was totally worth it! I'm going to buy one of these and make it into thermal underwear or a coat or something. Ridiculously cool.

Posted by Cortni at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Jan 21... I'm Very Sneaky Sir...
Today me and my father tried to sneak into the Murray Rec Center. Needless to say, the one time my dad took me, we got caught, and had to pay ten bucks. But I got some good father-daughter bondin time in, impressed some of the local hotties liftin weights, and ALMOST beat my dad in billiards. Not bad for a monday.
Also... I drove in the fog for the first time BY MYSELF. THROUGH SARDINE CANYON. I thought I was going to die. But ahhhh... i love clouds.
Posted by Cortni at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Jan 20... Origami to the Extreme!
Posted by Cortni at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Jan 19... VW for life?

Posted by Cortni at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
January 18... Like Father Like Daughter?
My dad LOVES putting Ketchup on everything in sight. Today, I found out that our very own Sam White also puts ketchup on everything. I noticed this when he made me dinner... good ole homemade mac and cheese. He got me to finally step out of my shell and try it... so there you go. Ketchup on Mac And Cheese. It wasn't the best flavor.. a bit too tomato-ey for my own taste, but definitely worth the try. Plus I heard tomatoes fight cancer, so it just had to happen :)
Also done today: I went to see a midnight movie in Logan. Keep in mind, that this was not a premeir, but merely just a regular showing. We watched P.S. I love you, and it was pretty sweet I guess.
Posted by Cortni at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
January 17... Teachin' Stuff.
Today was the scariest first of my life... I taught my first students today!!! A 5 year old and eight year old... it was absolutely terrifying. The kids are super cute, but the mom scared the begeezers out of me... But I guess it will be a good learning experience for me, and I have a few good ideas to help teach them the right way. Yay teaching!
Also done today... me and Cailie kicked an ice ball the whole way from the FA building to the TSC... we named it Herbert.
Also, I drank hot chocolate out of a curd cheese container. And we finally sampled one of B-Rad's delectable burritos. I gotta say, the taste is worth the awful smell the microwave makes. A long and grueling day, but we had some good laughs along the way!
Um yeah.. I was stuck at the FA all day long so we got a little bored... This video has nothing to do with anything, but it is absolutely hilarious.
Posted by Cortni at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
January 16... Shake those hips!!
Ash: "Look like you're giving eskimo kisses!"
Me and Linds: "Uh... what?"
Posted by Cortni at 11:47 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
January 15... Breathe deep...relax..
Posted by Cortni at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
January 14... Monkey See Monkey Do
Posted by Cortni at 10:11 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
January 13... All Natural (Rated PG 13 for some nudity)
I don't know if I should really share, but today's "new thing" was quite interesting. As you all probably know, I am a piano major at Utah State. This means that we spend hours and hours in tiny enclosed boxes with pianos in them (or, stated politically correct.. "practice rooms") They consist of a room, a piano, a chair and bench, and a tiny window on the door. To make up for the long and slacking weekend I had up here, I decided to shut myself into one of these to practice. After 4 hours, I began to lose my mind, as I usually do. Suddenly, a brilliant and stupid idea came to me. I took a quick peek outside. As I correctly assumed, everyone had left for the night, so I was alone.
I have a fear of being naked in public places... I am terrified of skinny dipping and running out of the shower for fear someone will see me. Today, I suppressed my fear. I closed the door and suddenly began throwing off my clothes until I was free... and that's what it felt like...
FreedomI even played through my Chopin Nocturne like that once, to just feel the accomplishment. It was terrifying, knowing my classmates, or even professors, could walk by and see me- but it just made my experience that much better. I know some of you are thinking that I'm gross or kinky or weird, but heck... it just felt good. Eh, I guess that's what 4 hours of practice does to the brain.
Posted by Cortni at 9:18 PM 1 comments
January 12... Testing the Waters
Yep, that's right. Today I went on a date with a total stranger. Well, I can't say he was a complete stranger, but close. This guy asked me for a date while I was working at Aero, and all I knew about him was that his name was Trevor... Anyways. He picked me up at seven and we went to Iggy's for dinner, and afterwards we went bowling. He seemed generally nice, he was decent looking, but kind of shy. That, and he didn't get the door for me, which was a real bummer. However, he did pick up the check... haha :)
Date status: Went good, but don't think there will be any romance here. Oh well, at least I didn't get raped or anything! :)
Posted by Cortni at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
January 11... Spittin' Like A Man
I've always been sort of timid when it comes to spitting in public, because I have never had any brothers to show me the "correct" way to spit. Today I took the plunge with a bag of BBQ flavored sunflower seeds. (Picture coming soon) Though I can't say it was the most monumental thing in the world, it was defininitely entertaining, and quite flavorful.
Posted by Cortni at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
January 10th... Poppin' Good Times
Although today was going to be a terrifically fabulous day, it didn't turn out so well. Between classes, practice, and a hectic practice time sign up, today was filled with tedious tasks and sadness. (It's true... one of my frogs died this morning...) Sad. However, some things to be noted:
Also... today I wore my sweatpants tucked inside my boots for the first time.
Posted by Cortni at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
January 9th... Something Fishy
Posted by Cortni at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
January 8th... Riding the Short Bus
Posted by Cortni at 8:28 PM 1 comments
January 7th... Tie Dye Awaits!!!
Posted by Cortni at 4:44 AM 0 comments
January 6th... Confrontation
Posted by Cortni at 3:28 AM 2 comments
January 5th... Surviving and Eating. Essential to life.
Not much to report here. I had quite an interesting day. I pulled an all-nighter that night, and had to drive my sister to Orem for dance at 7:15 A.M. It was a cold and stormy morning, but all went well until the drive home. It had started to blizzard, and the freeway was full of slush and puddles. This was my first experience driving on the freeway in a complete storm, and I didn't think I would make it. The huge diesels kept speeding by and flinging slush into my windsheild, and every time I tried to switch lanes I would fishtail and hold on, praying to survive. And I did... yay!
Also, I picked Ray up from the airport, and we went to catch some lunch at the good old Spag Fac... haha i LOVE that place. While discussing my new goal, we decided to eat our noodles with our hands. So I ditched my fork, and dug in. It was much more delicious that way, but a tad bit more messy. The thing that concerned me was that we were both so comfortable and used to strange things that it didn't feel weird at all. And unfortunately, no pictures. But it was fun all the same!! (Plus I ate his leftovers... sorry Ray)
Posted by Cortni at 3:16 AM 0 comments
January 4th... Not your every day couch drive by
Yes, you've all heard it before, i love breaking the law. Anything I can do to stick it to the man, cause some trouble, or just thrive on the "toothy edge of danger" is my thing. I love being sneaky and breaking the rules, being reckless and stupid, and just feeling like I have power. B-Rad and crew made it happen for me this night.
I attatched myself to their group and we were off on a wild adventure. They hated a boy. They had possession of a broken couch/recliner. Thus, "couching" was the fantastic event of the evening. I myself was not educated in the ways, but the boys helped me out a bit. We drug the couch up the stairs (knocking over lots of picture frames on the way), out the front door, and into the back of a truck. We then proceeded to drive to the loathesome boys' house, lugged it across the street (the boys even let me help, how sweet) and pretty much dumped the broken thing on the porch. You can imagine the thrill when the porch lights suddenly were flicked on. We ran to the getaway car like nothing you've ever seen before, and I was giggling like a mad woman. And after a few hours, we proceeded to drive by again, and B-Rad powerboxed his house. What a thrill, what a thrill.
Posted by Cortni at 2:54 AM 0 comments
January 3rd... Tattoos, anyone?
Posted by Cortni at 2:26 AM 0 comments
January 2nd... Sushi Day
Posted by Cortni at 1:24 AM 0 comments