Can you say WOW?!?!?!
True story. Today me and Andrus decided to make a crazy dessert, and creme brullee was the lucky choice of the evening. This was a lot of fun- we got all the ingredients, made it exactly as the recepie said, and had a lot of fun doing it! It isn't that difficult to make, and the the end product wa
s absolutely delicious. Andrus pretty much made the
whole thing, but it doesn't even matter. Because it was so ridiculously cool. (Note: Andrus hated being in the pictures so I took them without him looking. Don't blame me, blame him!)
Also done today: We tried kumquats. They are like little oranges the size of grapes. These things pack a punch! They are way sour with a sweet aftertaste. We made my sisters try them, and they didn't seem to like the kumquats as much as we did...
Creme Brullee is one of my favorite things!
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