And hello Yundi Li! I saw him for the first time today, and probably ever, at the rate he is traveling. This amazing and talented pianist won the National Chopin Competition at just eighteen years old... it's unbelievable how incredibly he plays. He is a renowed musical genius straight from China, who has performed everywhere and anywhere. At just 24, he is truly an amazing inspiration to all pianists who attend Utah State, including me. And I didn't even copy this from the program :P Some of the pieces he played were the
Sonata in C (K 330) by Mozart,
Mazurkas 1-4 by Chopin,
Nocturne in E minor also by Chopin (I love this one, Op. 9 No. 2),
Widmung by Liszt (this is an amazing piece),
and Andante Spinato & Grand Polonaise in E-flat major Op. 22 by Chopin.
This last selection was AMAZING. Not only that, but (after a brief intermission) he played the entire Pictures At An Exhibition (by Mussorgsky), which was an amazingly brilliant piece. It's hard to explain exactly the feelings involved in watching people like Yundi Li play, so all I can say is that it's an emotional ride, it gives you goosebumps like nothing else, and it is so inspiring.... too bad Yundi Li was hiding from everyone, because I would have loved to shake his hand. Truly a fascinating performance.
Afterwords, Landon and Bradley invited me and Cailie to go to the formal institute dance... in my sundress and her black dress pants....? It was pretty sweet walking in to the dance and having people stare at us... we took group pictures, which I will post soon after they email them to me.
Ah, life is so random.
I have no idea who that guy is, but I'm glad that you got to see someone you're so excited about. Someday soon, people are going to be worshipping you like that because you are just so amazingly good! (And I didn't even get that from your mother ;})
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