For both of our new things, Josh and I decided to rent a crazy canoe from BYU, strap it to his van, and Canoe on the Great Salt Lake!!! Dude. So awesome.
Though I was afriad the van would explode canoes, it actually held quite well, except for the strap and Josh melted on the exhaust :) We were in business. We drove down there and unloaded our snacks (which were cookies, banana
s, vanilla wafers, and a sobe) and paddled out from the marina. It was breathtaking! The lake was glassy smooth, so bright that you couldn't tell where the lake ended and sky began. Until you looked into the actual lake... the water was pretty green. And man alive, was it salty! Every splash left behind a little drop of white crusty salt. We rowed for quite a while, enjoying the peacefulness of it all, the flocks of birds, and the ships in the distance. I have never felt such a degree of peace around me... the beautiful silence filled my heart to the brim with love and happiness. We took a little snack break to enjoy the scene around us and take it all in, write a haiku, and we cuddled in the canoe for a while. It was so perfect and so sweet.
When we got up, the sunset was just beginning, so we had to paddle back. But the view was absolutely amazing. The clouds were reflected in the water, so it appeared as though we were canoeing above the clouds in the sky. The clouds turned pink and the lake absorbed all the color from the sky above it. For those of you who know my obsession with clouds and sunsets, you understand my fascination. It literally left me speechless.
What a perfect sunset, perfect boy, and perfect day. My heart is so happy :)
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