Today was another one of those days. I spent most of it at work, and what I didn't, I spent at home. At around 10:00 PM, Kate decided to make crepes for whatever family was left. I was texting Elise Best, my most awesome-est cousin, and we decided to ask if she would like to join us for dinner. We called her up, and she readily said yes. We got very excit
ed, because we simply love the Bests to death! In our excitement, we started getting prepared, and before we knew it, the table was completely decked out.... we're talking doileys, goblets, dim lights and classical music, folded napkins (I learned how to fold my first napkin!) ... the works. Ahh... my first Candlelight Crepe Dinner. It was a pretty magical time, and we ended it by settling down and watching the amazing classic Pocahontas and getting toilet papered. No better way to spend a Friday Night.
How To Make Shirts On Roblox Free
How To Make Shirts On Roblox Free
I just wish we could have stuff like spoons on roblox and we could make
furniture like tables and chairs or a cabinet an...
3 years ago
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