Today, us girls got up early and went to church... not the 8th ward, but a combination. It was good, it was testimony meeting and the testimonies given were very good. It was nice going to church and feeling that good feeling that comes with it.

When we got back, we hung around and met another Dominican (the only one awake at noon...) named Jose. He was really nice and very friendly. He let us in and let us use his kitchen. Ash almost convinced him to serve a mission! Haha just kidding. We met up with Luke and Todd and hung out for a while... we took some pictures, watched Luke climb a tree like a monkey, and watched as Lindz walked right on top of her sunroof and cracked the glass. After all that excitement, we decided to hang out at First Dam for a while. I love it there, it's so peaceful and fun. Ash and I had a good heartfelt talk, and we wrote some pretty epic haikus.

When we got back, we hung around and met another Dominican (the only one awake at noon...) named Jose. He was really nice and very friendly. He let us in and let us use his kitchen. Ash almost convinced him to serve a mission! Haha just kidding. We met up with Luke and Todd and hung out for a while... we took some pictures, watched Luke climb a tree like a monkey, and watched as Lindz walked right on top of her sunroof and cracked the glass. After all that excitement, we decided to hang out at First Dam for a while. I love it there, it's so peaceful and fun. Ash and I had a good heartfelt talk, and we wrote some pretty epic haikus.
By: me
Sitting at First Dam
The birds chirp and leaves are green-
I feel home again.
By: Ashley
This feeling inside
I can't get him off my mind
Is it love true love?
Dedicated to Jones Hall:
It once was our home.
Destroyed, Tormented, Empy.
What once was, is lost.
Sitting there made me realize just how much Logan was my home, how much I missed my independence, and how much I want to go back to school. With money so tight, it is almost impossible for me, but I hope I can make my way through this and be able to do at least another semester. I need it more than anything right now.
Anyways. It was finally time to tell Logan goodbye, and we decided to swing by the FA building to grab a quick drink and say hello to familiar sculptures :) I was so excited to be back, we walked through the courtyard, and I had a memory for every corner, every building... we went to the piano department, and I left a note for Garrett. I also got into the Beethoven room and played my Chopin nocturne the way I should have played it for my jury. The only person there was Luke, but it didn't matter. I was home again, and the keys felt so good under my fingers. I feel like I have the motivation back, and I have Josh to thank for that. He brings out the music in me, and the music brings out the happiness. I am so thankful for that music, because without it, my world would be silent. Playing in the Beethoven room in the summer was my new thing, and the feeling I felt there was also new to me.

So it was time to go back home, and it was a looong drive back home with no AC or windows. Then as soon as I got home, we had to drive to the Bests for a family party. It was pretty awesome, I ate too much, but I just love our family. We got mangoes and sticky rice, which was delicious. Also, my grandma Aree got some silky pajamas for her birthday, and my grandpa exclaimed "Sexy, sexy!" when she held them up. We don't want to know or hear that....
We also got together some ideas for Craft Day, coming soon to a home near you! Our family is the shiz.
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