Today I attended my first Piano Major party at the lovely Golden Corral. It was an awesome time, laughing with professors and old buddies... While there I actually tried a few new things...
Hushpuppies (Update: gross)
Brussels Sprouts (Update: also gross)
Okra (Update: also also gross)
Crab Salad (Update: Not too shabby!)
While sampling these crazy foods, I got to witness the "Quadrennial Eating Contest", which featured Luke, Jordan, John, Kyle, and Garret. Garret and Kyle were the first to go out, and the other three stayed strong, until John threw up everything. Jordan downed an entire bowl of ice cream in under a minute, and the tie-breaker was chocolate cake and a scone. Jordan won by literally a half a second against Luke, but I don't know if winning an eating contest is really "winning". Haha!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
April 29... "Chocolate cake! Make them eat chocolate cake!"
Posted by Cortni at 12:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
April 28... MORE Juries?!?
Today I did my first ever accompanying for a viola jury. It was my friend Daphne, and we played a concerto in D Major by Hoffmeister. It went fairly well, we were both a bit nervous, but no big stumbles...
I also ate at the Logan Olive Garden for dinner for Jessie Wilcock's birthday. Melissa and I shared a plate, so dinner cost us each about $5.50. Can you believe it? It was totally the best meal ever. The only weird thing was that they wouldn't sing happy birthday, and our waitress looked like a SERIOUS creepo. We're talking serious creepo.
Posted by Cortni at 2:56 PM 0 comments
April 27... The Updated Cortni Residence
Today I set up my room for the summer. I will be doing something I've never done before this summer: living like a bum. Remember where the pool table was downstairs? Basically, we moved it to the side and they plopped a matress down for me to sleep on. I now officially reside in the biggest room in the house: the downstairs living room.
There's some pros... lots of room to walk in, an easily accessable TV and billiards, um... I guess the biggest con is that it's not a room. I sort of live in the dark corner of the house.
Let's be honest. It sucks. But it should make for some interesting times.
Wondering how this happened? I moved to college, Kate took my room, and they turned hers into an office. That, and they obviously care more about the computer than their daughter. Haha just kidding. Maybe I'll set up a tent and sleep outside instead... any thoughts?
Posted by Cortni at 2:46 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
April 26...Disco Fever+Jungle Fever= A Sick Time. (har har har)

Also done today: Josh and I had our first D.I. date. I took him to the Provo DI, where he picked out my outfit and I picked out his. We had ten dollars to spend. He picked this great torquoise turtleneck with a "mirrored" sweater, and these awesome snakeskin skirt with mushrooms around the waist. I picked him out these bright purple scrubs with a bright orange shirt (It read "Welcome to Vegas" with a pocket on the chest), a cool tie, and we had matching hats that read "Bride" and "Groom". Plus I bought my first used book from DI (Runaway Jury) for FIFTY CENTS!
After we had the outfits, all that was left was dinner. Josh took me to a Peruvian restraunt to try my first real Peruvian food, and it was absolutely DELICIOUS. I tried Inca Cola for the first time (It kind of tastes like bubblegum and cream soda) and had a fried banana!
After dinner, we went to Classic Skating for Disco Night. It was amazing. It was a bit scary, because when we walked in, there were men in drag and a girl took off her shirt while skating. But after that scare, things calmed down a bit. Well... as calm as it can get during Disco Night... It was a blast! I tried rollerskates for the very first time, and so did Josh. It was a lot harder than it seemed!! Luckily, I only fell once, but Josh fell three times. That poor guy got all bruised up, but he was such a good sport about it! I never really got completely comfortable with the idea of the skates, but I still had an awesome time. I seem to have found my hang out place, everyone else is weird and dances around just like me! Disco Skating For Life!
Posted by Cortni at 9:36 PM 0 comments
April 24... Beautiful Bovines.
Today, while at my sister's dance competition, I "mooooo"ed at someone over a text for the first time. It was Josh, and I thought it would be pretty cool to moo. Very climactic.
Also, my sisters came and stayed overnight, so I had my first guests stay over in Jones. They were a lot of fun, we had a dance party in the commons, played Rock Band, and we watched a movie. I loove my little sisters :)
Posted by Cortni at 12:34 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
April 23... Sanctus and Swing Dancing
African Sanctusan awesome choral production that USU performed. The creator of this masterpiece, David Fanshawe, traveled to Africa, recording tribal and folk songs and other musical performances by the inhabitants. He felt inspired from God to use those as a base for creating his own pieces, which include guitar, piano, and drums along with a choir. These pieces were extremely captivating and interesting to listen to. I really enjoyed this performance.
Posted by Cortni at 12:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
April 22... If You Have A Sandwich, Cut That Thing In Half!

Ever since I was a little kid, we've been celebrating this, but I got into it for the first time this year. I did some new things to prove my concern for the planet....
I wore my tie-dye skirt (complete with tie-dye tank top and headband and awesome brown boots to complete the outfit) for the first time.
I dyed my finger green to remind myself to love the earth.
I also did some other noteworthy things... I read the Salt Lake Tribune cover-to-cover. It took about two hours, but I learned some very important things, like preists disappearing while "lifting off" with hundreds of helium balloons. And people removing kidneys from their anuses. That one is just gross. The newspaper is awesome though, I love it.
I also donated my five dollars to my first cause on campus. It goes towards hunger in third world countries, and for every dollar I donated, the government triples it. So I really donated $15. Not that much, but I feel like I need to make my difference in the world. It is part of 30 hour famine, if any of you want to check it out, go here.
Posted by Cortni at 11:57 PM 0 comments
April 21... Jump Around
Today was just one of those things. I got a lot done school-wise, but not many new things. I was talking to Josh around 11:30 PM, and made the realization that I forgot to do something!
So, I jumped on my bed in Jones for the first time. I know now why I haven't done it previously. It's tall and my ceiling is short. I hit my head. But it was kind of a rush.
Posted by Cortni at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
April 20... Lazy Sundays
Today, inbetween studying and doing take-home tests, I listened to Shostakovich, Symphony #5 and #9.
I also walked in for the first time on my Uncle Vic. Peeing in the toilet. Thank goodness I am a ditz and didn't think to look! That could have been very awkward. Very awkward indeed.
Posted by Cortni at 10:53 PM 0 comments
April 19... S A TUR DAY... Night!
Today was quite an eventful day! I participated as a game monitor in my first ever USU Piano Festival. It was for the YC students, and I was in a game room with Emma and Danielle... talk about a good time. The most fun was towards the end, where me and Danielle started playing the games ourselves! Haha! And also, taking down the decorations, singing along to Michael Buble, and watching Emma do her sexy latin paper shredding dance... there were some good times to be had by all. I got some extra cool tattoos to take for the road, too.
After the festival, I drove home and with Josh to Provo. We were to see the great man that is called Kalai IN CONCERT! We had a while before, so we were going to get sushi at Demae. However, on the way through an alleyway, we stumbled upon a scene out of a movie... literally! They were filming for a movie on Center Street. It was super awesome! It was the classic scene- hobo jumps from a dumpster and beats up a man in the head with a gun and his bare fists. We just sat in awe and watched for a while. The guy had a stunt double and everything! I think me and Josh had a better movie scene going on though, from the parking garage, it was quite romantic :) So I get to add Walking Through A Real Live Movie Set to my new things!!!
Then it was on to Demae for sushi, which was absolutely delicious. I tried a Crispy Roll for the first time, and it made me like sushi better the second time around. It was quite yummy actually :)
We then headed to Covey Center to see Kalai. Ahh it was so great! His music was so so awesome, and having Josh next to me gave me sqweenchies like never before! I swear we were the two happiest people in that building. Afterwords, me and Cailie wrote Kalai a Haiku, he signed it, and we got a picture with him. I love Kalai, he is a great artist!!
Hunger got the best of us after the show, so we decided to take a stop to Ihop (I know, that rhymes, great huh?) to get some grub. I was originally going to go for the french toast like I always do, but at the last minute, I copied what Cailie got. Which was low carb, low fat, and low whatever else. It was eggs and pancakes... my eggs had lots of strange things in them that I've never had and the pancakes were a bit too fluffy to have substance, but I felt very healthy eating them. And very out of my comfort zone. I had the worst sushi/mushroom low fat egg breath ever! A big thank you to Josh for paying for me! And for loving me! And for the awesome night! And shout out to Cailie and Tyler for being so awesome! Ah I love the weekends.
Posted by Cortni at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
April 18... Fiesta Party!
Today, after a long and strenuous day of getting studying, practicing, and decorating done, me and Cailie took her sister and cousin out on a "girls night"! It was really fun, we got tie dye kits, and fiesta food! I turned on my latin dance party mix, and we just had a good time hanging out! My new thing of the night was eating a chicken/bean homemade enchilada (I think??) They were so so delicous. A new thing was also tie-dying my first stretchy headband! And I bought a white skirt (with shorts attached underneath) to tie-dye... I hope it works!! Afterwords, we met up with Mark for my first real hot tubbing experience in Logan. It was really fun, except we stayed after hours and had to sneak over the fence to get out! Those girls are really fun, and it was a very crazy but enjoyable night! :)
Posted by Cortni at 1:42 AM 0 comments
April 17... Sitting In High Places
Sometimes, me and Cailie feel the need to escape from the piano majors. I love the delicious couch with all my heart, but today we decided to get away to study. We took the ramp UP for once, and ended up sitting on some new lovely couches, surrounded by tables, and looking down on the courtyard. It was a nice change of scenery, and probably a lot more sanitary than the usual spot... :) Haha! I swear I almost know every inch of that building.
Posted by Cortni at 1:38 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
April 16... More new food for my belly!
Today I tried a few new things that were little but definitely new.
I ate a pita from the Pita Pit for the first time. Keegan was nice enough to take me and buy me one.. it was delicious! It was Chicken Caesar. I also found out through trial and error that I DO NOT like cucumbers. I want to like them, but it's just not possible at this time. Bummer.
I also bought a different and new flavor of gum for the first time. It was Stride (on sale for 69 cents!!) and it was Berry Flavor. We'll see how that goes.
Posted by Cortni at 11:12 PM 0 comments
April 15... Je Parle Francais!

Posted by Cortni at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
April 14... GOALL!
The sun finally came out to play in Logan today. I decided to take a nap outside on the grass in the FA courtyard today and my right arm got sunburned... Haha! Also, today's new thing was watching my first USU Intramural Soccer Game. It was the guys in my dorm with a few extras. They tied 0 to 0 and actually ended up getting disqualified anyways... but it was fun to get out there and watch a game of soccer. I am just so glad that the sun is still real and warm. It warms my soul.
Posted by Cortni at 10:19 PM 0 comments
April 13... Midget?
My mom convinced me today to try my first ever Midget Dill Pickle. I have always loathed the pickles without really giving them their fair shot. So today I dipped my "pickle claw" in the jar, and retreived one of these babies for sampling.
And I actually kind of enjoyed it. It was quite bitter of course, but I could actually kind of enjoy the flavor. Kind of. I just like that they were called Midgets.
Posted by Cortni at 10:16 PM 0 comments
April 12... 7:15 AM, UFO spotted over Nome Alaska
When karaoke plans at the local Callie's Cafe in Provo were foiled, Josh and I were at a loss for what we should do. It was late, it was the weekend, and we were in the mood to do something crazy. So, we had this fabulous idea to hike the Y. This idea really was fabulous in a lot of ways... except the weather. The view was incredible, and hike was fairly intense, but the wind was a bit chilly. Poor little Josh was shivering like a shaved chihuahua! It was positively adorable. I have never hiked the Y, and it was definitely something that needed to be done. We also had some freaky sightings of deer and count Dracula in bat form. It was quite the awesome adventure.
Also done today: We finally got to watch our classic cinematic feature: Phantom From Space. If only I could describe it in words. From an invisible naked alien donning a helmet eqipped with "tubes", a mysterious love triangle with a labratory woman (Miss, I mean Mrs. Randall), to government cars with fence rotating fence posts atop them, this movie clearly entered my list of top 10 all-time favorite movies. Oh my gosh. Awesome.
Posted by Cortni at 10:08 PM 0 comments
April 11... Tastes like.... crap...?
Today's new thing was eating a cotton ball. You know, you'd think they'd taste like marshmallows. Unfortunately, they don't. They kind of taste like sucking on the end of a pillowcase. Don't ask me how I know this.
Posted by Cortni at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
April 10... Our Love River
Today's new thing was painting on a rock. After receiving a fabulous package from Josh, I was in the best mood EVER! So, I had a rock I had previously picked up from the side of the dorm, and I got it out to paint. It was the greatest! Josh and I have this joke about our love being a river, and we have all sorts of animals that live in this river. We have jellyfish, kissing fish, dolphins, hedgehogs, monkeys, and cheetas... and we waltz on the clouds above this lovely river! My favorite part about painting this rock was when people would walk in and stare at me confused. I was completely alone, singing to myself, and painting jellyfish on a rock. My other favorite part was when Ashley offered to help decorate it, with cotton balls and gold wrapping paper. Ahhh... good times.
Posted by Cortni at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
April 9... Tie Me To The Bedpost
Posted by Cortni at 10:08 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
April 8... I Am Disgusting.
Once upon a time, Cortni brought a microwave tv dinner to the FA building. Then, she forgot about it. The next day, she was really hungy. She remembered about her misplaced dinner item, and decided to eat it regardless. Normal people don't eat frozen dinners after they have been sitting out for a day... haha.
So I took my long-thawed chicken noodle casserole (or whatever disgusting food item it was..) and cooked it in the microwave. And ate it.
And it was gross. But it didn't kill me. Maybe it just takes time. Either way, not something I'd reccommend, or try again soon. Have a lovely day! :)
Posted by Cortni at 10:24 PM 0 comments
April 7... I've Only Shot A 10 Gauge...
Today's new thing was coupled with another new thing: I watched my first NCAA championship game. I have never really had the time or passion to watch the NCAA March Madness games, but this time I saw down and watched the whole thing. And MAN ALIVE, was it intense. With that crazy 3 pointer and missed free throws and overtime! I remember at one point I was screaming and jumping up and down on my chair!! Yay for Kansas.
Aside from doing that, while me and Keegan were waiting for commercials to end, he let me shoot his air soft gun. The boys in this dorm seem to have become obsessed with being little boys as long as they can, with their nintendo and air soft gun wars... Anyways. So I shot his lil air soft gun at the target, and I have no idea if I actually got it or not. I just love shooting guns though, it really makes me want to go shooting again.
Posted by Cortni at 12:26 PM 1 comments
April 6th.. Veggies and Conference Does A Body Good
So we were in. And close to the front too! And it was absolutely amazing. So inspiring, and the talks were beautiful and true. It was so incredible to actually BE there, to hear the choir, to stand up as the Prophet walked in. It was such a neat experience. Plus the company wasn't too bad either :) Thank you for the AMAZING weekend Josh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also done today: my mom let me eat a raw green bean. They weren't bad... they were actually pretty good... kinda crunchy and stuff.

Posted by Cortni at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
April 5th... Breaking The Law- The Sequel
Ok so I am counting this for Saturday, because it was done around 12:30 p.m. Me and Josh decided to tag the world!!! We wanted to do graffiti really bad, and because I am like Satan, I encouraged him to do it.
So, we found a piece of cardboard and went to the drawing table for inspiration. Josh draws jars, and I draw clouds, and we decided on the two, together. With a C and J in between, of course. Oh my goodness, if I could only put up a picture, if only I could find my camera... it was a fabulous stencil.
So, we cut out our figures and headed to Walgreens for spray paint. Unfortunately, they seemed to be all out, but we did find some cool birthday cards... I got him one that had Elvis with a gold border and velvet inside. He got me one with a naked upper body of a man making cake-
Caption: Your birthday cake is almost done... want to lick the batter?AHHH creepo point for that card. We also found another classic DVD to watch that could possibly surpass Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. Possibly.
I also tried one new thing of the day... Josh introduced me to violin music. I have played violin, but never really listened to just music composed specifically for the violin. We listened to a little Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Shastakovich, and more. It was positively divine! I learned a lot too, he is a smart dude.
So, we tried Wal Mart next, to no avail. Apparently, stores don't carry spray paint anymore. So, we grabbed a container of Apple Green acrylic paint and a brush. Yes. It's true. We are old school.
We decided to tag a few places that were significant. We first drove to Rock Canyon. We saw a few cars with people making out in them, but we decided to just do it. It was hilarious, kneeling down next to an electrical box with Josh crouched beside me, dipping his brush into a glob of paint on the concrete below. That is how you can tell you've been tagged by us- the noticeable blob of green paint below wherever we put our mark. We decided to only tag things that weren't part of nature- so we also got a dumpster by his mom's studio, and a concrete wall by a river. We also put one close to home-in my thinking spot. It was so much fun to just run around like delinquents and splash green paint on things! We were so silly.
And that is so so illegal.
Posted by Cortni at 12:22 AM 0 comments
April 4... Best Date. Ever. No battle.
Today I went on a date with Josh!! And I got so many sqweenchies it was ridiculous!! My new thing of the day was eating on Center Street in Provo- we ate at this yummy yummy yummy place called Ottavios... I think? It was like real legit Italian food... and I tried some dish with Pesto sauce for the first time. It was to die for!! Plus, there was a man walking by serenading people with an accordian which was fantastic.
After dinner we went into his mom's graphic design studio and we got to play Rock Band... but not only that... we played it on a gigantic green screen. Oh my gosh! Dooood. It was amazing.
Then, after Rock Band, we went to Maestro's, which serves GELATO!!! I have had Gelato before, but definitely not in America. And it was definitely the real the thing. In lil old Provo, who would have thought?
Oh my goodness. This date was like being in the happiest dream ever.
Posted by Cortni at 12:16 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
April 3rd... Verb- it's what you do :)
As I write this blog today, I'd like to dedicate it to Rodney. This lil frog has been through a lot lately. Somehow, his left arm has been chopped off to the elbow. I think it was my beta fish personally... It is just sad to watch Rodney try and swim with only one arm... Sad...I guess that's why we have adversity.. that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
Or, as says: Adversity- that which doesn't kill us, only denies the inevitable :)
Soooo... on these morbid thoughts.. new thing! I went to my first ever Ballroom Concert. Unfortunately, I was not performing. However, there were a few in my class that were on the Ballroom team! I invited Keegan and went with B-Rad, Cailie, and Mark, and we had a freakin blast. The performance itself was fairly good. Not as long or cool as I thought, but not bad. It made me really want to learn the tango! :)
Afterwards, we went to Wendy's, where I made up my first game. It goes like this. 2 unrelated items (Example: Carrot and a Tractor) and you have to finish the sentence with something they are doing. It's a lot of fun and crazy answers! Mark had us literally laughing until we were crying.
Then another new thing: I went swimming from 10:00 p.m. to midnight. Dooood. It was pretty fun! There were a bunch of people from the dorm... and a lot of cool diving board tricks. And junk food! That part was bad. But I saw Jose again, from the DR... and some old friends from High School, so it was good times.
Posted by Cortni at 1:41 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
April 2... The Butler Did It!

So the dinner was good. Delicious mexican food, interesting story, good company... it was quite the enjoyable dinner. The characters all had funny names like P'Elvis, Indian Cheif Passing Wind, Wyatt Hurts, Laughing Cow Disease... etc etc etc. And I totally guessed all the wrong people, because I suck at games like these! And, although we thought it would be him, the butler was innocent. Yeah, he just took our plates. But it was still fun to just put clues together and exercise the mind :) This is Abby and Scott searching frantically for the clue!
Also done today: I went inside the ROTC building on campus to meet Ray. Until today I've always wanted to go in, but never had a reason to. It's very quiet and organized and I kept making friends with the Seargeants and stuff. It was an adventure.
Here is Ray Jay Sullivan. He is in the army.... Are they allowed to be this silly in the army? I don't think so... :)
Posted by Cortni at 11:20 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
April 1... A jellyfish, a jellyfish, a jellyfish fish!
Today's new thing was breaking my wrist.

Posted by Cortni at 11:15 PM 0 comments
March 31... You killed Ted, you midevil dickweed!
Today's new thing was watching Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Pretty much, 'nuff said. Here is a memorable quote:
Police Psychiatrist: I don't know why you claim to be Sigmund Freud.
Sigmund Freud: Why do you claim I'm not Sigmund Freud?
Police Psychiatrist: Why do you keep asking me these questions?
Sigmund Freud: Tell me about your mother.
Posted by Cortni at 12:26 AM 0 comments
March 30... No partying, go to the institute dance instead!
Today, church was spent in a bit of a daze. I had woken up five minutes before it started, threw on a skirt, and been driven over.. pretty much incoherent to what was going on. But there is one part of church that stuck out to me, and it happened in Ray's Mission Prep class. Part of his lessons involve Role Plays, and today I was lucky enough to be chosen. They picked another girl to be the non-member, and I was the valiant missionary (I don't know why, cause I could barely keep my eyes open...) They gave me a scripture and a situation, and I was supposed to use it the best I could. I have never been more nervous in my life! They picked a scripture that I didn't understand really (plus I didn't have my scriptures, so I didn't get a chance to read it before) but I really tried the best I could to make it understandable to me and her. I don't know how well I did, and I might just get back at Ray for putting me on the spot like that, but I guess I needed it. Oh well, regardless of whether I did good or not, it was something new I had never done. Thank you Ray :)
Posted by Cortni at 12:20 AM 0 comments
March 29... From Apples to Latin Dancing
Posted by Cortni at 12:09 AM 1 comments